Tukang.com is Hiring Finance Administrator
26 April 2018


  • Identifying transactions prior to journal entry
  • Identifiying transactions into journal 
  • Monitoring journal transactions are written in the main book
  • Journal correcting transactions if needed 
  • Performing cash opname & assets opname with correlated stakeholders in every scheduled periods 
  • Performing administrative work and file management in a correct manner
  • Developing and applying current accounting procedures and giving recommendations for improvements according to the terms and best practices of accounting
  • Carrying other tasks requested by superiors or the head of the company

Additional tasks: 

  • Protect value organization with behind the company confidentiality
  • Coordinated with the internal related.

Minimum Requirements:


  • Candidate must possess al least Diploma in Finance & Accounting
  • 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.

Please send your CV to finance@tukang.com with subject Apply Finance Administrator.
